My Memories

SO... I get to give away this spectacular digital scrapbooking software!  I'm so excited!  I'm not the queen of digital scrapbooking, but this stuff is easier than i thought!  i love scrapping, and this way i don't have to store any of the paper, embellishments, or even the photos!  it's all right here on my computer!

so, in order to enter, go to my memories website, browse around, then come back and tell me (in a comment) what your favorite digital scrapbooking kit is, and what you would scrapbook with it, and you will receive TWO entries into the contest!  yahooie!  This is a $40.00 value, so head on over to their site and check it out!


Ashlee said...

I would LOVE to win! I love the slice of love pack and could see myself using it for a lot of things!

Julie said...

I would use the Who's at the zoo pack. It would be great to scrap my son. When he was born he made noises that sounded like an elephant. Thanks for the chance to win!

Cyn said...

I adore the Love of Music kit! Very classy! It would be perfect for surprising Emilie with a scrapbook of all her concert/talent show violin performances! :)

Teri's Life said...

I've never done digital scrapbooking so any of them would be fun! However, I'd have to chose Puppy Love to start.

Dawoco said...

My pick would have to be Seascape. I've been meaning to scrapbook a few pages of a trip we took to the coast with my parents a few years ago and give it to my mom who loves the coast. This set is perfect for that and she would love it.